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Polly Chair

by naughtone

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The Polly chair fundamentally provides a very comfortable ergonomic seat with as little visual detail as possible. The Polypropylene seat shell has subtle edge details, a soft texture and just the right amount of flex, all of which combine to provide a tactile and satisfying sitting experience. Polly performs quietly and combined with our easy colour range, we’re sure anyone can find a spot for this champion chair.  Polly 4 & 5 star are the newest addition to the Polly range, designed for increasingly common, multi-purpose spaces in workplace and educational environments, where the user requires some of the performance of a task chair but the space demands a less technical aesthetic, allowing the Polly 4 & 5 star to sit cohesively in a scheme that may require some task seating, some café seating and some seating at a high posture.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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