Potable Water Shock Arrestors (Vessel)

  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Reliance, Water, Controls, RWC, Mechanical, Potable, Shock, Arrestors, Vessels, VESK050000, VESK050006, VESK050007, VESK050005
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Reliance, Water, Controls, RWC, Mechanical, Potable, Shock, Arrestors, Vessels, VESK050000, VESK050006, VESK050007, VESK050005
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Reliance, Water, Controls, RWC, Mechanical, Potable, Shock, Arrestors, Vessels, VESK050000, VESK050006, VESK050007, VESK050005
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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

- Compact mini vessels can be fitted at the point of use to stop water hammer- Stainless steel shell and flange to prevent corrosion- Complete with pre-charge valve for topping up air pressure- 0.16L arrestor also available with a SharkBite® push-fit connector or SharkBite push-fit tee


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