• Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object,Free,Download,canopy,generator,group,heat,indoor,mechanical,packaged,power,series,shenton,unit,house,powerhouse,PHG,T87,T88,T105,T100,T110,T125,T135,T140,doosan,perkins,iveco,volvo,diesel,1,248,kVA, powered, prime, standby,
  • 13.2k
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Powerhouse Diesel Generator (220 - 1650 kVA)

by shentongroup

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The Powerhouse Series which ranges from 10 to 2230kVA, is built to a world-class standard and these remarkably competitive standby generators provide the most cost-effective solution for ‘standard package’ requirements.

A first-class range of diesel-powered generators for prime and standby power application which feature reliable components from leading manufacturers, these are premium products upon which your company can build its reputation.

This download includes the complete Shenton Powerhouse Diesel Generator range, and offers a range of variations to match your project application, these include;

  • 220-330 kVA (T87 Canopy)
  • 330-500 kVA (T88 Canopy)
  • 440-605 kVA (T105 Canopy)
  • 495-650 kVA (T100 Canopy)
  • 605-818 kVA (T110 Canopy)
  • 825-880 kVA (T125 Canopy)
  • 1000-1125 kVA (T135 Canopy)
  • 1250-1650 kVA (T140 Canopy)

Please reference the user guide and guidance notes include in the download as how to use the Shenton Powerhouse Diesel Generator components.


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