• Product: Q-Mat - The Westminster
  • Product: Q-Mat - The Westminster
  • Product: Q-Mat - The Westminster
  • Product: Q-Mat - The Westminster
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Q-Mat - The Westminster

by Quantum Flooring Accessories

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The Westminster has an arch form heavy gauge aluminium chassis capable of withstanding medium traffic in the most demanding of applications. Where 24hr exposure to maintenance and access equipment, wheelchairs, shopping trolleys and the like is expected, it can be specified with confidence. 42 mm wide wiper strips provide optimum contact area for absorbency and soil collection. There is a wide variety of wiper strip options to suit almost any application.

Product Specifications:

  • Product RangeQ-Mat Entrance Matting
  • Fitting MethodStandard
  • AccessoriesRamps or Frames
  • EnvironmentInternal or External
  • Use withAll Floorcovering Types
  • Width70mm
  • Height15mm or 19mm
  • MaterialAluminium
  • TreadRubber Rib (external) or Tufted Nylon (Internal)
  • Guarantee10 Year (on application)
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