This is a RCC box Bridge. Its road width, Ceii span/height & number of cells can be set with parameters. Thicness of RCC slab, raft & webs are autometically ajust in auto mode. In MORT&H mode these thickness etc can be set manually. In autoset dimension for foundation Raft, end & inner webs as well as deck slab is set as per span, while in MORTH setting one can set these dimensions manually. For longer length of bridge repet & align family providing expansion joints. In this case Return walls & approach slabs be off. Provision to off/on for Cut off wall, Raft Key, left & right Return wall & Approach Slab have been provided. Railing of main bridge / on approach can be set indepentely. Number of span is ristricted as total length of bridge may not exceed 30 mtrs. for more length add more bridge. The box type bridge is revised up to date, as this was loaded in 2006 on this site. Lallan Ji Upadhyay. Varanasi.
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This content has been authored by Lallan Ji Upadhyay. of Contriver BIM Design Studio and they have agreed to share this with the Bimstore community. Full copyright and ownership of this content remains with its author unless otherwise stated.
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Bimstore on 06 February 2025
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