• Product: PORTA GANTRY Aluminium Gantry Lifting Systems
  • Product: PORTA GANTRY Aluminium Gantry Lifting Systems
  • Product: PORTA GANTRY Aluminium Gantry Lifting Systems
  • Product: PORTA GANTRY Aluminium Gantry Lifting Systems
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PORTA GANTRY Aluminium Gantry Lifting Systems

by Reid Lifting

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Strong & Durable PORTAGANTRY

Our top quality and highly durable PORTAGANTRY is lightweight and extremely strong. This portable lifting system can be manually assembled, using just four bolts and can safely lift to 5000kg, making it ideal for multiple applications.

This system offers an overhead anchor point for multiple users for fall protection, whilst also providing great versatility for lifting materials. Our PORTAGANTRY range is highly customisable to meet your specific needs, with a variety of A-frame height configurations and beam lengths available.

Key features

  • EN795:2012 & ATEX Certified
  • Can support goods and personnel lifting; Goods WLL of up to 5000kg and Personnel WLL of up to 2500kg
  • Suitable for up to 5 persons for fall protection applications
  • Beams and A-frames can be interchanged
  • Ergonomic 360° swivel-locking castors, as standard
  • Ease of assembly including height and span adjustment
  • Anodised for increased corrosion resistance
  • Engineered designs and bespoke sections reduce weight, providing lightweight portability
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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