• Product: Select Compact Horizontal Panel Radiators
  • Product: Select Compact Horizontal Panel Radiators
  • Product: Select Compact Horizontal Panel Radiators
  • Product: Select Compact Horizontal Panel Radiators
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Select Compact Horizontal Panel Radiators

by Myson

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The SELECT Compact is the ultimate in radiator design. It uses a 33mm pitch, which our years of manufacturing expertise and research have established to be the optimum design for a Compact radiator. The SELECT Compact delivers impressive outputs whilst using a low water content. It is also light weight, using less steel and therefore has a lower carbon footprint.

SELECT Compact is designed and manufactured to the highest standards. 

  • Our most extensive range, the SELECT Compact is available in 222 different sizes
  • It comes in four types; single convector, double panel extra, double convector and triple convector
  • There are seven different heights ranging from 300mm to 900mm
  • We offer lengths from 300mm to 2400mm
  • All sizes have 4-tap connections

Types: Single Panel; Double Single Panel; Double Panel; Triple Panel

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