• Product: Shelton Red Multi Facing Brick
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Shelton Red Multi Facing Brick

by Forterra Building Products Ltd

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Forterra is a leading UK manufacturer of essential clay and concrete building products, with a unique combination of strong market positions in clay bricks, concrete blocks and precast concrete flooring. Our purpose is to Keep Britain Building efficiently, sustainably and economically.

The Ecostock range is manufactured using the latest technology in sustainability and production efficiency. We produce three kinds of this soft mud brick at our state-of-the-art factory in Measham, Leicestershire: stock pressed with a smooth, sand faced finish; stock thrown, which have a traditional handmade appearance; and waterstruck, which have a smooth but irregular surface. Ecostock bricks are available in wide selection of red, buff and yellow colours.

For more product information visit Forterra HERE.

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