• Products: SIDERISE CBX Balcony Bracket Cavity Barrier kit
  • Products: SIDERISE CBX Balcony Bracket Cavity Barrier kit
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Siderise CBX – Flexible Acoustic Barriers for Suspended Ceilings

by Siderise

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Siderise CBX is a multi-layered composite material product. The central layer is a thin flexible heavy septum membrane.

A polymeric heavy salt-loaded barrier is available. The barrier incorporates a laminated ‘anti-creep’ layer. This is designed to prevent possible long-term elongation of the product in its normal free hanging condition. It additionally provides reinforcement to through penetrations at fixing points. To each side of the membrane is a soft high-tensile glass fibre insulation layer. This is faced as standard on the exposed surface with a reinforced aluminium foil.

Features and benefits:

  • Acoustic performance (Rw) 33 dB.
  • Dnf,w up to 55 dB.
  • Improves ‘room to room’ sound separation.
  • Flexible allowing for ease of installation.
  • Suitable for new build and refurbishment projects.
  • Reaction to Fire classification - B-s1, d0.
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