• Product: SIDERISE CW-FB | Curtain Wall Fire Board
  • Product: SIDERISE CW-FB | Curtain Wall Fire Board
  • Product: SIDERISE CW-FB | Curtain Wall Fire Board
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SIDERISE CW-FB | Curtain Wall Fire Board

by Siderise

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Siderise CW-FB curtain wall fireboard forms part of a perimeter barrier firestop and spandrel zone protection system for use with non-fire rated aluminium curtain wall facades.
CW-FB and CW-FS (perimeter barrier and fire stop systems), have been jointly tested in conjunction with non-fire rated aluminium curtain wall assemblies to provide market-leading fire resistance performance for the critical spandrel zone.
Siderise CW-FB curtain wall fireboard is a high-density stonewool board specifically engineered to provide high levels of structural fire protection. It has been developed to provide a simple and easy to install method of providing fire protection for non-fire-rated aluminium curtain wall facades.

Features and benefits:
Protects mullions and transoms
Maximises the stability and integrity of framing elements and spandrel construction
Approved design that extends the rating of the compartment floor to the exterior wall
Fully tested to EN 1364-4: 2014 and certified up to EI 180 when used in conjunction with CW-FS180 Perimeter Barrier; EI120 when used in conjunction with CW-FS120 Perimeter Barrier.
Market leading performance
Tested in both single and double-layer arrangements as part of EN 1364-4 testing
3rd Party Approved - Intertek(WHI19-32944301),Certifire CF563 (utilised in EN1364-4 curtain wall assemblies).

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