• Product: SIDERISE NXR | Nexus Lamella Boards – Curtain Walling
  • Product: SIDERISE NXR | Nexus Lamella Boards – Curtain Walling
  • Product: SIDERISE NXR | Nexus Lamella Boards – Curtain Walling
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SIDERISE NXR | Nexus Core For Bonded Composite Structures

by Siderise

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Siderise Nexus Core boards are produced using stone wool slab material which has been Euroclass rated A1 and is specifically formulated to a Siderise specification for use in this exacting application.
Stone wool is manufactured from volcanic rock which has been melted in a furnace to temperatures in excess of 1500°C. The molten product is then spun into a wool-like substance that has excellent fire,  thermal properties and also acoustically absorptive.

The unique Nexus process takes this insulating material which is then cut into strips and rotated through 90 degrees so the fibres are perpendicular to the board surface.

Additionally, the strips are subjected to lateral compression which eliminates any gaps and produces a more homogeneous board with a substantially better rigidity than a standard stone wool slab of the same density. Whilst under compression the product is faced with an open filament net which both maintains the compression and aids handleability.
The Core board should be bonded on the net face. Siderise maintains a close working partnership with major adhesive suppliers to ensure the compatibility of materials and attainment of optimum bond strengths.

Features and benefits:
Nexus Core is made from European Fireclass A1 material
Precision manufacturing and tight tolerances optimise product strength
Provides acoustic performance.
Manufacturers can reduce cost/weight with thinner facings
Low thickness tolerance means that thinner faces remain aesthetically pleasing
Open filament net facilitates a strong adhesive bond and enables easy handling
The Nexus production process produces a strong, homogeneous stonewool core optimising composite performance

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