Reinforced Safety Grating (RSG), which is made from glass reinforced plastic, is a composite of materials that is stiff, strong and can withstand compression such as being walked or driven over. This versatile range can benefit a number of different industries or sectors and is useful for its strength, non-slip properties, ease of installation and cost-effectiveness too – it certainly ticks all the boxes.
Types of Applications
The practical properties such as strength, non-slip and safety aspects of RSG mean that it can be used to benefit many industries and sectors throughout the world of construction. Although different industries face their own challenges, there are some that can overlap – which is where RSG comes in. Not just limited to construction, we’ve found that the benefits of this innovative solution can also address problems in the marine, rail and industrial worlds too. The potential of our RSG range of products, and how it can be used is endless.
GRP Panels Range
1 Revision
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Bimstore on 12 March 2025
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