• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, revit, AMMANN, roller, arx12
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, revit, AMMANN, roller, arx12
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, revit, AMMANN, roller, arx12
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, revit, AMMANN, roller, arx12
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Speedy AMMANN - Roller - ARX12

by Speedy

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The Speedy Ammann ARX 12 Tandem Roller is a light, articulated ride-on roller that works flush against curbs and other obstructions and eliminates the need for special edge compaction efforts. Double-drive and double-vibration are standard and help deliver optimum compaction results.An electric drive-lever makes for smooth starting and stopping and is among the reasons the roller is popular with operators. Other operator benefits include a rubber-mounted platform that limits vibration and an intuitive instrument panel to help make even an inexperienced operator successful.

The ARX 12 is built with high quality, long-lasting components that reduce the cost of ownership over the lifetime of the machine. It is reliable, economical, safe and fuel efficient.

This download includes the Speedy AMMANN Roller - ARX12 BIM components from Speedy.

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