• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, WESTERN, ENVIRONMENT, F, Pod, EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, WESTERN, ENVIRONMENT, F, Pod, EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, WESTERN, ENVIRONMENT, F, Pod, EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Object, Speedy, Hire, Services, Site, Building, Equipment, 14, WESTERN, ENVIRONMENT, F, Pod, EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000
  • 14.2k
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Speedy WESTERN ENVIRONMENT - fPod® - EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000

by Speedy

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The Enviro Bulka Deluxe range of BST’s have been designed to enable safe bulk storage of diesel fuel, new or old/used oil. The BST can be used as an auxiliary fuel tank, feeding one or more engines, whilst refuelling other equipment via a dedicated fuel pump at the same time.

This download includes the Speedy WESTERN ENVIRONMENT - F Pod - EBD1200, EBD2000, EBD4000, EBD6000 BIM components from Speedy.

Included in the IFC and Revit downloads are the following alternative file formats;

- 3DS Max



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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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