• Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Field
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Field
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Field
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Field
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Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Field

by Sunbelt Rentals

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The Field Kitchen is our smallest production kitchen and is traditionally used for smaller or more specific catering requirements.

Typically used by nursing homes, small pubs, and hotels, the Field Kitchen provides a secure and hygienic working environment for two chefs.

The kitchen is ideal for supplying up to 250 meals per day and can be operational within minutes of arrival on site.

Visit Sunbelt Rentals for more info!


This machine may also be known as: Temporary Kitchen

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1 Revision

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Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • DWG
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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