• Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Tom Thumb
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Tom Thumb
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Tom Thumb
  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Tom Thumb
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Sunbelt Rentals - Temporary Kitchen (Cabin) - PKL Kitchens Tom Thumb

by Sunbelt Rentals

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The Tomb Thumb is a compact unit with an integrated dishwasher, pre-wash sink, tables and storage racking.

Capable of washing 750 plates per hour, or 1,500 glasses per hour the Tom Thumb is ideal for smaller establishments such as pubs, nursing homes and hospitals.

Although suitable for smaller establishments, the production capacity of this facility can be increased by changing the equipment supplied with it.

Visit Sunbelt Rentals for more info!


This machine may also be known as: Kitchen, washing 

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1 Revision

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Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • DWG
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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