Alreflex Platinum insulation boards combine the thermal properties of Graphite enhanced EPS with the low emissive technology and vapour resistance of Alreflex foil.
Alreflex Ultratherm insulation boards combine the thermal properties of PIR with the low emissive technology and vapour resistance of Alreflex foil.
Alreflex 1L1 is a foil bubble insulation that can be used in cavity wall, dry lining and cold bridging applications. It is a very versatile and low cost insulation that can also be seal as a vapour barrier or used as a dpm in detailing work. It is BBA certified for use as a cavity wall insulation and dry lining insulation.
TE Platinum Ground Floor is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board. Suitable for use beneath screeds and ground floor slabs it is an extremely cost effective alternative to PUR and PIR insulations.
Therma-breathe is a BBA Certified Class W1 insulating breather membrane that is designed to improve U-values and reduce construction depth in framed constructions.
This download includes the Thermal Products insulation range from Thermal Economics.
The Thermal Products range includes Alreflex Platinum, Alreflex Ultratherm, Alreflex 1L1, TE Platinum Ground Floor Insulation and Therma-breathe.
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Bimstore on 13 March 2025
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