• Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Reliance, Water, Controls, RWC, Mechanical,Thermoguard, UFH, Control, Pack
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Thermoguard UFH Control Pack

by Reliance Valves

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The thermostatic unit gives excellent temperature stability particularly when return temperatures and mixed water temperatures are close to equal. The system is designed to be fully flexible and can be fitted on either left or right sides of the manifold, with the return at top or bottom. The mixing valve will function down to 25 deg C to ensure that initial warm-up and commissioning can be correctly carried out. The side profile of the valve is reduced to allow easy fitting of the pack inside cabinets. Features a temperature range from 25 deg C to 60 deg C to cater for all types of floor constructions.

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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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