• Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
  • Thermowood Timber Cladding
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Thermowood Timber Wall Cladding

by Silva Timber

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ThermoWood® is produced using a chemical-free natural process. By heat treating only the finest Scandinavian Redwood to enhance the chemical and physical properties of the timber, Lunawood ThermoWood® offers an exceptional cladding material with outstanding durability, stability and insulation characteristics.

Along with enhanced physical properties, the treatment also results in an attractive, consistent, deep brown tone for a beautiful appearance. Due to it's stability, Thermowood also takes and retains finish well, allowing for translucent or solid colour stains to be applied to create unique and striking buildings.

Silva's ThermoWood® is produced from Finnish PEFC Certified wood in accordance with strict and specific classification requirements. The consistent, high quality nature of production is based on a logistics supply chain stringently managed from forest to final product.

This download includes the Thermowood Timber Wall Cladding.


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