• Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • Bim, ,content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, bosch, buderus, Worcester,mechanical,equipment,UNIVERSAL,UL-S,steel,hot,water,boiler
  • 14.5k
  • 0
  • 3.7 / 5
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by Bosch

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The UNIVERSAL steam boiler UL -S is a three-pass shell boiler, which fulfils all the requirements in the medium to high output ranges.

The flame tube, the internal wet-back rear smoke gas reversing chamber, as well as the first smoke tube and second smoke tube, are all arranged for optimum flow within the horizontal cylindrical pressure vessel. Radiant and convection heat surfaces generate in tandem a rapid water circulation, which accelerates the steam bubble transport to the steam chamber. The transferred fuel heat is converted into steam quickly and without material stress through an even heat transfer. The large water chamber offers sufficient storage volume to be able to cover off even sudden peaks in consumption.

This download contains Revit components for the UNIVERSAL Steam Boiler UL-S from outputs 1250kg/h up to 28,000kg/h (18 types).

Components include user selctable features and guidance regarding burners, manufacturer recommend clearance zones and more.

Rev 2 - version update / brand colour changes

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