• Product: Unoa Booth - Seating
  • Product: Unoa Booth - Seating
  • Product: Unoa Booth - Seating
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Unoa Booth - Seating

by Gresham Office Furniture

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Unoa Booth

As the needs of the workplace have evolved over the last two-years, we, in turn, have adapted our product offering to include pieces such as the Unoa Booth. Allowing for small meetings to take place in a comfortable yet private setting, Unoa’s acoustic properties are unparalleled for a solution of its size. The design also allows for inclusion of a monitor* for supporting presentations and video calls, which, thanks to the optimal acoustics of the booth, can be carried out with minimal disturbance to those working nearby.

Choose from either a Natural Oak or Dark Walnut finish for Unoa’s frame.

For more information, click here to visit Gresham Office Furniture Ltd. 

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1 Revision

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Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • DXF
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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