• Product: Village Harvest Multi
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Village Harvest Multi Facing Brick

by Forterra Building Products Ltd

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Forterra is a leading UK manufacturer of essential clay and concrete building products, with a unique combination of strong market positions in clay bricks, concrete blocks and precast concrete flooring. Our purpose is to Keep Britain Building efficiently, sustainably and economically.

With a history dating back over 150 years, Butterley bricks can be found in buildings as diverse St Pancras station and modern housing developments. We manufacture it in a wealth of red, buff, yellow, brown, blue and grey colours, and in several textures: smooth, with a consistent, uniform character; light textured, which is modern and uniform, with an indented or printed finish; heavy textured, with a harder and rougher texture for a more rustic brick with a consistent finish; and tumbled, a distressed and irregular shape associated with reclaimed bricks.

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