• Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
  • Product: WuduMate Modular
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WuduMate Modular Foot Bath

by WuduMate

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Mosque architects and committees want a masjid’s ablution area to work for everyone during prayer times. The WuduMate Modular Foot Bath is a cleverly designed modular wudu khana station, accommodating a combination of standing, seated, and if required, wheelchair-based users. It can be installed in a variety of other settings where Muslims wish to wash their hands, face and feet before praying.

Some of its features include:

  • Individual WuduMates can be installed singly or can be joined together neatly with as many ablution positions as required.
  • A high quality, acrylic finish, facilitates cleaning, assists in the fight against unwanted bacteria.
  • A combination of stainess steel, chrome, and high gloss white acrylic, compliments innovative lighting schemes.
  • The avoidance of grout reduces maintenance, facilitates reduction of bacteria and extends the life of the ablution area.
  • Individual drainage outlets improve hygiene and help reduce unpleasant odours.
  • Prefabricated components minimise the contractor skills required during construction.
  • Decorative patterns included with each installation, with purpose designed colours and patterns available on request.
  • With an increasing number of WuduMate Modular customers, WuduMate has introduced a number of accessories and complementary products for mosques, suitable for both those using the WuduMate, and those with traditional trough ablution systems.
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2 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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