• Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
  • Product: WuduMate WuduBasin
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WuduMate WuduBasin

by WuduMate

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The new dual level WuduMate WuduBasin combines an upper and lower basin within the same unit and so is best suited for a home bathroom where there is insufficient space for a washbasin plus a separate footbath for the purpose of wudu, the Muslim pre-prayer ablution ritual. It can also be installed in a workplace when configured correctly.

Features and benefits

  • Wall-hung, facilitating cleaning underneath
  • Made of high-quality, easy-to-clean porcelain
  • Provides both a hand washing and foot rinsing facility in one unit within a 600mm wall space
  • Easy to install
  • Optional WuduMate stool
  • Choice of taps

Important Note

The WuduBasin is only recommended for use in commercial buildings where there is insufficient space for a seated wudu facility, and only then, when Health & Safety risks are mitigated. It is recommended that grab bars are installed either side of the unit, and that non-slip matting is deployed around the WuduBasin. Wherever there is more available room, for a Muslim to perform wudu in a dignified manner, in comfort and safety, the WuduMate Compact, Classic or Modular are the best options.#

Click here to visit WuduMate for more information.

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