Head over to Flickr to view the photos on the Space Group account
It’s hard to believe that this time last week Autodesk University was still in full swing. If you were over in Las Vegas, did you get chance to catch up with bimstore?
If you did manage to visit the stand or happened to attend the bimstore party at the Hard Rock Hotel then there’s a chance you might be featured in the official gallery of photos from the event.
Autodesk University 2015 saw 10,000 delegates attend the world’s largest industry conference in Las Vegas and bimstore were excited to exhibit for the first time since launching bimstore.us back in the summer. Our stand was certainly eye-catching with a fair few people lining up to #GrabOurBallsand Rhys Lewis from Oasys Software (part of Arup) got lucky when he bagged himself an Apple Watch! The bimstore party on 2nd December was well attended and was a pretty unforgettable night for those that came along thanks to the great combination of the amazing suite and fantastic view. Oh, not forgetting the bowling alley and hot tub of course...
These photos demonstrate that what happens in Vegas clearly doesn’t always stay in Vegas.
Are you featured in any photos? Have a look here and if you are make sure you drop us a tweet and let us know!
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Bimstore on 09 January 2025
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