• Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Rinnai, UK, Water, Heater, Boiler, Continuous, HD70e
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Rinnai, UK, Water, Heater, Boiler, Continuous, HD70e
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Rinnai, UK, Water, Heater, Boiler, Continuous, HD70e
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Generic, Model, Object, 13, Rinnai, UK, Water, Heater, Boiler, Continuous, HD70e
  • 8.8k
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Infinity Heavy Duty HD70e External Water Heater

by Rinnai UK

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The Rinnai HD70e external water heater has the added advantage that the unit is externally mounted. This feature gives greater flexibility at the design stage and can offer an alternative solution where flue runs are problematic or internal space is not available.

As with all units in the Rinnai heavy duty range the HD70e has frost protection.

A range of external ancillary items including a pipe cover box and security cage are available where necessary.

Capable of flow rates of up to 979 litres per hour at a 50°C rise, the HD70e is suitable for installation on a secondary return.

Ideal for commercial, industrial and large domestic installations.

This download includes the HD70e Continuous Water Heater water heater from Rinnai UK.

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