Sunbelt Rentals - Diesel Generator - BGG UK GX 100Kva

  • Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Diesel Generator - BGG UK GX 100Kva
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
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  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class

Sunbelt Rentals BGG Stage V Generator GX100K V. GX is a super silenced, diesel water cooled generating sets, rating from 9 to 650 kVA. Specifically built for the professional use also under heavy working conditions, they are equipped with engines and alternators of worldwide reputation. Special attention is brought to their canopies, very compact and with remarkable technical solutions specific for the needs of the rental sector.

Visit Sunbelt Rentals for more info!


This machine may also be known as: Power Supply, Stand by Generator, Generator Hire, Generator Systems

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