• Product: Sunbelt Rentals - Offgrid Energy LX45/90 Fuel Cube Battery Storage
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Sunbelt Rentals - Offgrid Energy LX45/90 Fuel Cube Battery Storage

by Sunbelt Rentals

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Sunbelt Rentals Offgrid Energy LX 45/90. INGENIUM is a universal Energy Storage System (ESS) ideally suited to a range of applications, delivering reliable power in the most cost effective and environmentally sensitive way. Energy stored within the unit is converted electronically into mains power. Power can be derived from integrated solar PV, connection to an external gird supply or from a diesel generator or wind turbine. Energy is automatically managed from any or all of these energy sources to ensure the most efficient, lowest maintenance and best environmental impact is achieved. Remote communication ensures real time monitoring and maintenance can be effected from any location in the world.

Visit Sunbelt Rentals for more info!


This machine may also be known as: Greener Power Solutions, Battery Storage Units, Power Supply

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