Conex >B< Press Carbon fittings are user friendly and very quick to install, leading to savings on labour costs. It also offers the advantage of a flame free installation, therefore posing no fire risk. Conex >B< Press Carbon is a versatile press fitting system for use on Carbon tubes in accordance with EN 10305-3.
Our >B< Press Carbon is installed, with a mechanical press tool with a compatible jaw with a >B< profile to fit each size of fitting required. When pressure is exerted through the press tool the joint is permanently made and the fitting cannot be dismounted or re-used. The >B< Press Carbon system eliminates the need for solder, adhesives or additional jointing materials. The >B< profile has the advantage of a 3 Point Press, two mechanical presses either side of the bead and one hydraulic press crimping the o-ring. This provides a more secure joint.
Pressing Indicator FeatureIBP has developed a unique pressing indicator, a specially designed EPDM O-ring. It has a reduced section in two positions causing leaks at low pressures when not pressed (from 0.1 to 5.0 bar). When the fitting is pressed, the o-ring material compresses, filling the gaps, securing a leak-free path.
Therefore there is no need to go to full test pressure to check that all fittings have been pressed. This >B< Press Carbon feature is available in fittings sized 12-108mm and suitable for HVAC, hot and cold applications.
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Bimstore on 12 March 2025
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